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are supernatural nature spirits that have special powers.
The Elementals are not spirits, because they have flesh, blood and bones; they live and propagate offspring; they cat and talk, act and sleep, &c., and consequently they cannot be properly called 'spirits.' They are beings occupying a place between men and spirits, resembling men and spirits, resembling men and women in their organization and form, and resembling spirits in the rapidity of their locomotion." (Philosophia Occulta, translated by Franz Hartmann.) Later the same author calls these creatures composita, inasmuch as the substance out of which they are composed seems to be a composite of spirit and matter. He uses color to explain the idea. Thus, the mixture of blue and red gives purple, a new color, resembling neither of the others yet composed of both. Such is the case with the Nature spirits; they resemble neither spiritual creatures nor material beings, yet are composed of the substance which we may call spiritual matter, or ether.
There are four different kinds and each represents one of the four elements :
Earth (Gnomes), Fire (Salamnaders), Water (Undines) and Air (Sylphs).
Each will be individually discussed in the next four sections of this page.

The word comes from Renaissance Latin gnomus, which first appears in the works of 16th Century Swiss alchemist Paracelsus. He is perhaps deriving the term from Latin gēnomos (itself representing a Greek γη-νομος, literally "earth-dweller").


Paracelsus uses Gnomi as a synonym of Pygmæi, and classifies them as earth elementals. He describes them as two spans high, very reluctant to interact with humans, and able to move through solid earth as easily as humans move through air.

The chthonic spirit has precedents in numerous ancient and medieval mythologies, often guarding mines and precious underground treasures, notably in the Germanic dwarves and the Greek Chalybes, Telchines or Dactyls
Gnomes are often thought to live underground or in subterranean passageways.


They have been known by many different names. Germans call them "erdmanleins". In Denmark and Norway they are called "nisse". In Brittany they are called "nains". The Polish call they by the familiar "gnom".


Gnomes are one of the four types of nature spirits: Gnomes are usually depicted as small, bearded men who care for plants, trees and other aspects of the earth.
But in reality gnomes are earth elementals and there many types of gnomes : elves, trolls, leprechauns, goblins, dryads, satyrs, dwarfs, trolls, centaurs, sylvestres, hamadryads, durdalis, brownies, and little old men of the woods, and menehune the along with their cousin the mu of Hawaii,
yunwi tsunsti of the Cherokee, and many more.

These beings have some very extraordinary and useful properties; they can, for instance, go about invisibly, [g] or turn themselves into any shape; they can foresee future events; they can confer prosperity, or the contrary, on a family; they can bestow bodily strength on any one; and, in short, perform numerous feats beyond the power of man.
These beings have some very extraordinary and useful properties; they can, for instance, go about invisibly, [g] or turn themselves into any shape; they can foresee future events; they can confer prosperity, or the contrary, on a family; they can bestow bodily strength on any one; and, in short, perform numerous feats beyond the power of man.


are the spiritual beings who inhabit and control the element Fire. It is through their activities that fire exists.
The salamanders are as varied in their grouping and arrangement as either the undines or the gnomes. There are many families of them, differing in appearance, size, and dignity. Sometimes the salamanders were visible as small balls of light. Paracelsus says: "Salamanders have been seen in the shapes of fiery balls, or tongues of fire, running over the fields or peering in houses." (Philosophia Occulta, translated by Franz Hartmann.)
Mediæval investigators of the Nature spirits were of the opinion that the most common form of salamander was lizard-like in shape, a foot or more in length, and visible as a glowing Urodela, twisting and crawling in the midst of the fire. Another group was described as huge flaming giants in flowing robes, protected with sheets of fiery armor. Certain mediæval authorities, among them the Abbé de Villars, held that Zarathustra (Zoroaster) was the son of Vesta (believed to have been the wife of Noah) and the great salamander Oromasis. Hence, from that time onward, undying fires have been maintained upon the Persian altars in honor of Zarathustra's flaming father.
One most important subdivision of the salamanders was the Acthnici. These creatures appeared only as indistinct globes. They were supposed to float over water at night and occasionally to appear as forks of flame on the masts and rigging of ships (St. Elmo's fire). The salamanders were the strongest and most powerful of the elementals, and had as their ruler a magnificent flaming spirit called Djin, terrible and awe-inspiring in appearance. The salamanders were dangerous and the sages were warned to keep away from them, as the benefits derived from studying them were often not commensurate with the price paid. As the ancients associated heat with the South, this corner of creation was assigned to the salamanders as their drone, and they exerted special influence over all beings of fiery or tempestuous temperament. In both animals and men, the salamanders work through the emotional nature by means of the body heat, the liver, and the blood stream. Without their assistance there would be no warmth.
In Irish folklore they were ruled over by a magnificent flaming king who was called Djin.
Below is a NASA picture of the sun, you can see at least one salamander in the fire.
Salamanders are the strongest and most powerful of all the elementals. They are very dangerous beings.They have the ability to extend or diminish their size as needed. They are mischievous spirits, who like children don't fully understand the results of their actions, which can affect the thoughts and actions of people around them.
Salamanders are thought to move about most freely at night and if you are ever lucky enough to see them, they would appear as small balls of light drifting across the air and water.

Salamanders can have a profound effect upon human nature. Linked through the heat with which we maintain are bodily temperatures, they can influence our emotions and general temperament. When someone is called a hothead, or is referred to as hot-blooded, these are terms referring to their elemental nature.
Fire is traditionally assigned to the South, towards the equator (Northern Hemisphere). The Goddesses Brigid, Hestia, Pele and the God’s Mars and Vulcan, among others, are associated with Fire.
Fire is destructive, strong, protective, courageous and trustful.



Sylphs :

Sylphs are Elementals of the Air.
Below is a picture of real sky and a sylph:
Sylphs are the spiritual beings that inhabit the spirit realm of the element Air. Their activities are manifest in the gatherings of clouds, in the blowing of the wind, the downpour of rain and the formation of snow. They love certain mountain tops and windy areas.

Sylphs include : Fairies, sylphs ( which are larger than fairies ), gremlins, poliahu of Hawaii, pegasus and many more.
They are also responsible for the growth and maturity of all the plant life we see around us. In folklore, Sylphs appeared in many myths and legends. Some tales tell us that if you listened carefully, they would talk to you on the wind as it passed through caves, caverns or trees. When they are the wind, they really enjoy a feeling of freedom. It is euphoric for them. Also, another characteristic of Sylphs is that they respect Sages, but are hostile to those that are ignorant or foolish. Their oldest and wisest Slyph is their leader, whose name is Paralda.


Ondines or Undines are :

531 x 402
Water elementals - sprites, mermaids, nymph, nereides, lemonades, naiades, oceanides, mermen, potamides, oreades, siren, silkie, under water bears that be invisible, hawaiian shark people

In Greece,the undines are the sea fairies, who appeared in the Aegean Sea as seahorses with human faces and the word 'Undine' means wave. Though more frequently they have the appearance of a beautiful human but they lack souls. In Christian tradition the word 'soul' ties in with salvation and damnation - that the undines have no soul means they are outside of human law.
Below is a real picture of real water :

Characteristics of undines
According to a theory advanced by Paracelsus, an Undine is a water nymph or water spirit, the elemental of water. They are usually found in forest pools and waterfalls. They have beautiful voices, which are sometimes heard over the sound of water. According to some legends, undines cannot get a soul unless they marry a man and bear him a child. This aspect has led them to be a popular motif in romantic and tragic literature.
In 18th century Scotland, undines were also referred to as the wraiths and kelpies of water. Even then, they were not as feared as other wraiths.

A Mermaid Story-
The Story of The Nani Puka

by Therealthing

The story of the Nani Puka [beautiful cavern/hole/tunnel ] is a very old tale among Hawaiians. It is on the island of Oahu in the town of Laie, in the lush jungles of Hawaii. This sacred place use to be the home of three mermaides.
The Nani Puka is actually a water filled old lava tube that ran from a Laie pond underground, to the sea at Laie Point.

Below is Laie Point and one of the rocks just offshore:

One day, the Mermaids were sitting on the side of this water hole talking and relaxing, when Pele ran past them. They thought it was curious, but quickly understood why Pele [ Volcano Goddess ] was running. They saw Kamapua'a run past them chasing after Pele. Kamapua'a is the Hawaiian God of the Forest and of the Pig. And is also Pele's lover on and off. They fight a lot,LOL.

Well, Pele was running, and doubled back on the trail, and she stops near the Nani Puka to catch her breath. The Mermaids offered to help hide Pele. She agrees and they instructed her to go dive down into the Nani Puka; and it will take her out to sea through an old lava tube.

As all this was occurring, a Mo'o [ Lizard/Dragon God ], was sunning himself near the pond and saw everything that had happened. So, when Kamapua'a got there, he asked the Mermaids if they had seen Pele, and they said no. He walked a little further and sees this Mo'o. Kamapua'a asked if he had seen Pele. And the Mo'o answered yes and took Kamapua'a to where Pele was hiding at Laie Point; where the lava tube came out. When Pele saw what the Mo'o had done, she turned him to stone and broke his body into pieces. As she did this she told the Mo'o, "since you want to be so nosey and get into other peoples business because you see things. Well, now you can see all of Laie forever ".
Below is the largest rock off Laie Point. I use to live near there, and it does look like a broken up dragon/lizard. The ocean can be very treacherous there, and deep with rough currents. Not somewhere you go swimming.

The story ends there, but there are many legends involving all the characters mentioned above. Also, just to note, there are more than one Mo'o in the islands. I will try to write more about these Gods/Beings/ Spirits etc...when I can. Also, I got this story as per traditional oral tradition when I was in a Hula halau, that is a Hawaiian dance group. Her name is Pola Kanoa, and she is about as hawaiian as you can get. She teaches with a stick too, the old fashion way, and never charged a dime. I learned a lot of Hawaiian culture with her.

Also, the Nani Puka no longer exists today, a Foodland stands on the spot where it use to be. Yes, I know humans,ugh.

Here are some other Mermaid pictures :



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